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Our welcoming atmosphere & delicious Hookah options create the perfect setting for a group party. Whether you are planning a Newport weekend with your new bachelorette girlfriend or have a local business that needs the right place to brainstorm and collaborate, we can Host or Cater your plans land or sea.

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Our welcoming atmosphere & delicious Hookah options create the perfect setting for a group party. Whether you are planning a Newport weekend with your new bachelorette girlfriend or have a local business that needs the right place to brainstorm and collaborate, we can Host or Cater your plans land or sea.

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Our welcoming atmosphere & delicious Hookah options create the perfect setting for a group party. Whether you are planning a Newport weekend with your new bachelorette girlfriend or have a local business that needs the right place to brainstorm and collaborate, we can Host or Cater your plans land or sea.

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Our welcoming atmosphere & delicious Hookah options create the perfect setting for a group party. Whether you are planning a Newport weekend with your new bachelorette girlfriend or have a local business that needs the right place to brainstorm and collaborate, we can Host or Cater your plans land or sea.

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Our welcoming atmosphere & delicious Hookah options create the perfect setting for a group party. Whether you are planning a Newport weekend with your new bachelorette girlfriend or have a local business that needs the right place to brainstorm and collaborate, we can Host or Cater your plans land or sea.

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Our welcoming atmosphere & delicious Hookah options create the perfect setting for a group party. Whether you are planning a Newport weekend with your new bachelorette girlfriend or have a local business that needs the right place to brainstorm and collaborate, we can Host or Cater your plans land or sea.

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“Hookah was amazing with hot tea! Definitely coming back.”
Michael Rose


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